What's in a name? We have all heard it before right? Your name is more than just some letters on a paper, its your reputation. Well this time of year is when most red blooded football enthusiasts face that decision head on. Do they go with something witty? Do they use their favorite players name in their team in hopes of landing him? Do you even bother with creating a team name or is Team 5 the one that guides you to the championship? Naming a fantasy team is one of the most grueling processes a sports fan faces every year. (As well as constantly checking to make sure your bracket doesn't bust, but we will save that entry for March.) I'd like to end this with just a couple of my favorite recent team names, some from personal leagues others just found on the internet but all good for a laugh:
Gocong or Go Home
Chainsaw Massaqoui
Hide Ur Beagle Vicks An Eagle
Brady's Bunch
Arian Foster Care
Somewhere Over Dwayne Bowe
If you like this post make sure to subscribe, I plan on updated this thing 3-5 times a week. Also, make sure to add your favorite team names, or how you name your teams below in the comments! Thanks!